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Empower Your Agents to Surpass Sales Targets with SalesSense

SalesSense grants your sales team access to benefit information that’s accurate to the level of legal liability and delivered instantaneously. The software enables teams to compare multiple plans simultaneously, quickly view specific benefits, and close more sales while providing an exemplary customer experience at reduced costs

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sales teams

Increase sales

Reduce costs and complaints

Improve CSAT and Consumer Experience

SalesSense Benefits at a Glance

Up to 3x

Better sales performance.


Reduced handle time (AHT)


System response time


Reduction in CTM & Grievances


Increased CSAT & consumer experience


Speed to proficiency

The Ultimate Source of Truth at Your Agents’ Fingertips

Inform customer interactions with an indisputable source of truth rooted in member contracts. Easily integrate the software into your existing CRM and utilize it through various mediums to drive sales efforts. 

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Web portal

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Mobile app

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Virtual assistant

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Call center

Sensentia AI Tools Deliver Accuracy, Comprehensiveness, and Accountability

Our benefit tools are powered by our proprietary artificial intelligence guaranteeing immediate, legally accurate and comprehensive responses different from other approaches in the industry. Responses are directly tied to member contracts for all selected plans, ensuring full accuracy and auditability.

Members, CSRs, agents, and other users are usually not familiar with clinical and claims terminology, making it difficult to derive correct answers without natural language support. Sensentia’s systems reason and present information intuitively while supporting natural language, synonyms, and intent recognition during the query process.

Take a look at how Sensentia's innovative technology works when applied to a member portal.

Sensentia AI Tools

Find Answers to Complex Plan Benefit Questions in an Instant

SalesSense compiles and presents benefit information in an intuitive, searchable format for immediate access. It enables agents to instantly find the right answers.

This results in game-changing benefit exploration, including less hold time and supervisor escalations, improved average handling time (AHT), reduced errors and omissions, and better overall sales performance and customer satisfaction.

Enter the desired search query with intelligent term support.

Instantly view clear, accurate benefit information in response to your query for all available plans.

Information is available at a comprehensive or summary level with a simple click.

Empower Agents to Be the Experts Customers Need

Agents without accurate answers are ill-equipped to guide customers through the plan-shopping process. SalesSense empowers agents to act as experts on the portfolio of plans they sell, reducing CTMs, grievances, agent turnover, and burnout.

Interface allows agents to compare multiple plans simultaneously. 

Color-coded results highlight the best plans for the customer, minimizing guesswork. 

Plan benefits are organized logically and focused on the benefits that matter most.

Scale Up Your Sales Team Quickly and Efficiently

SalesSense is optimized for growth, enabling management to scale up teams as necessary to meet business demands and provide outstanding service. The system is designed to minimize speed to proficiency.

Training a representative using SalesSense takes hours instead of weeks. 

The SalesSense interface is incredibly intuitive, with a clean layout and virtually no learning curve. 

Team supervisors are free to train more agents rather than answer endless questions born from inefficient systems. 

Save Time and Reduce Costs

When taking a high volume of calls, every second counts. SalesSense intentionally reduces call times through increased efficiency and effectiveness. The system was meticulously built to eliminate the need to hunt for plan information.

Agents get to a “yes” quicker when equipped with answers laid out plainly and methodically. 

Agents can handle up to 30% more calls and leads with SalesSense than with alternatives. 

Meet growing customer demand with fewer agents, saving money on staffing costs.

SalesSense in Action

Calculate your ROI

Cost of service


Number of sales


Staff needed in FTE*


*Staffing may differ from required operational hours. CMS mandates sales centers to staff 7 days a week during AEP/OEP, from 8am to 8pm in all time zones. Contact centers must add staff for evenings and weekends to ensure seniors can access necessary information, despite low call volumes.

How SalesSense impacts your business

Reduced Average Handle Time

Lower your cost for handling sales-related calls with reduced handle times.

Estimated savings:


Increased volume of sales

Increase sales conversion by 3x or more by providing superior service.

Estimated increase:


Reduced staffing cost

Reduce staffing costs by increasing productivity for your agents.

Estimated savings:


Additional features to increase efficiency and performance

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Plan-Type Filters

As agents qualify prospects, plans can be added or removed from visibility by plan type with a simple click.

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Benefit Filters

Benefit filters allow users to search for plans with specific benefits present, making it easier and quicker to identify relevant plans.

Subsidy Adjustments

Quickly and accurately adjust premium, deductible, and copay based on LIS subsidy levels to accurately quote costs.

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Plan Segment Hot Buttons

Marketing advertises competitive advantages on specific plans, hot buttons allow agents to quickly navigate to certain segments and confirm the plan benefit exists and get back to further analysis of plan suitability.

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AI-fueled Plan, Benefit, Coverage, or Cost Search

Our system supports queries of common, clinical, or claims language and suggests term entries. Users can select the location or modifier, and the system presents the answer to all plans instantaneously.

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Color Coding

Color-coding allows agents to find the most competitive plans quickly. This increases the likelihood of agents of any skill-level selecting more suitable plans for clients based on competitiveness of benefits. Carriers and leadership can set the colors.

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Benefits Logically Ordered

Benefits are logically ordered, making it easy for agents to read from left to right. This maximizes understanding for the beneficiaries.

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Plan hovers

Hovering the cursor over DSNP & CSNP plans will detail the accepted levels of Medicaid or conditions for enrollment.


How do I improve conversion rates?

It's not always about benefits—SalesSense provides a custom interface for a clear, measurable, and compliant sales process. It helps agents of any skill level improve plan matches, prioritize customer conversations, and deliver efficient service. This ensures consumers seamlessly transition to members, valuing excellent service and education alongside benefits.

Consumers will immediately notice the elevated expertise and efficient service your team provides, and naturally want to enroll with an expert agent they feel has their best interest in mind and can support them with excellent service.

How can I reduce costs while improving sales performance?

Many sales teams use similar technology and solutions that allow sales to happen, but not in a manner that supports optimized and efficient selling. Every system that is introduced to perform a function adds variation with a different experience requiring agents to focus on process rather than conversation. Research using a Summary of Benefits (SBs), Evidence of Coverage (EoC), or Master Benefit List (MBL) is extremely inefficient, requiring agents to use CTRL+F, match cases, and verbiage to find an answer for a single plan (what if 20 plans are available?). This can add 15 minutes to a call, introduce hold time (consumer confidence killer), supervisor escalations (resource killer), and add significant stress to your agent (employee engagement killer).

SalesSense's benefit engine is the ultimate source of truth (SB, EOC, MBL, and more all-in-one) supporting natural language search with instantaneous response with legal liability accuracy for all available plans. SalesSense can easily take 30% or more off the aggregate AHT. If agents cost $40 an hour, that is 67 cents a minute; the math adds up quickly to large sums of money saved.

Time is money; wasted time impacts sales conversion and costs large sums of money. Simply providing consumers with expedient and efficient service will increase sales performance and reduce costs significantly. But our solution provides so much more to improve sales, as the UI is specifically tailored to support a simple, repeatable, compliant, and measurable sales process. Free up your supervisors to coach, not support Q&A!

It's time to retire the old ways of selling and truly realize your team's potential; implement SalesSense and increase sales performance while reducing costs!

How can I reduce CTMS, Grievances, and Complaints in general?

Complaints are often generated by agents using illogical presentations that decrease beneficiary understanding or they engage in prolonged conversations that require extensive research. The results are escalations introducing confusion, insufficient consumer education about plan options, or formulating plan recommendations without performing a proper needs analysis. Consequently, the client may be provided with inaccurate information, again resulting in less than stellar service outcomes.

SalesSense AI-fueled benefit engine and custom engineered UI work in combination to support the sales process holistically. The UI supports a simple, logical, repeatable, compliant, and measurable sales process by providing support, functionality, and logically grouped benefit information that is always available to the agent in one environment and on one screen with a simple, streamlined benefits presentation. The AI-fueled Benefit Engine provides research support in natural language formats that provide instantaneous answers at any level for all available plans, rather than a singular plan, with legal liability accuracy.

This combination will allow your agents to service customers expertly, efficiently, and with speed and accuracy. They can focus on the client rather than the process and free up their resources to truly provide the best service possible with improved plan suitability matches. In addition, our solutions enable your management team to focus on coaching sales rather than handling Q&A support. This focus enhances service levels and boosts employee engagement.

How can I improve employee engagement and reduce turnover?

Employees often leave a position due to lack of support or disparate processes that cause frustration. SalesSense provides support through the entire sales process, ensuring answers to even complex questions are at employees' fingertips. As a result, frustration, stress, burnout, and management escalations that increase handle time and lower consumer confidence are avoided. Our system empowers employees as experts and frees up management to provide sales or service stylistic coaching rather than answering numerous plan/benefit questions all day.

Happy, supported, and engaged employees will stay and strive to exceed sales goals routinely and improve the level of service they provide.

How can I remove inconsistencies between sales and service?

Sensentia’s solutions, when deployed across both teams, use the same source data to ensure sales conversations are supported in member conversations

Meet with one of our solutions experts today.

Unlock your team's true potential with Sensentia.

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