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2 min read

The Calm Before the Storm: Customer Service in Healthcare

Real talk here…

We all know what’s coming after the new year, and at the end of the year, call centers are experiencing the calm before the storm. We all know the influx is about to come in just a few short weeks where customers have questions…and LOTS of them..The big question everyone is asking is if their team is ready.
As you walk through the calm before the storm, consider these core questions to see if you’re ready for when the service calls start flooding in.

Are you Short-Staffed?

One big concern is if you already know you are short-staffed based on the sales numbers, or just frankly short-staffed in general. If you already know you're short-staffed, you can't ignore ServiceSense. This tool can help make your current team size more efficient, improving your performance stats and everyone's overall experience.

Unsure of Your Team's Capability?

Even if you have the numbers, but you're not sure of how ready your team actually is, you could be in trouble. How much are you questioning your customer service team's capability? ServiceSense gives your team the leg up they need to deliver on every call and do it in a time-efficient way. This is the best way to equip your team with the tools they need to succeed.

Is Your Team Efficient?

Your team may be trained and ready to go, but how is your team going to stack up to the handling times, productivity, and first call resolution rate goals you have in place? How long will it take them to find answers to questions and resolve issues? Any doubt in your mind in the efficient timing of your team is worth noting. And, if there was a way to improve your team’s accuracy AND speed at the same time, most managers would jump at the chance. That’s where ServiceSense comes into play.

ServiceSense offers real, tangible value to call centers, resulting in a direct ROI within your metrics.

Provide members with a more efficient, engaging, and consistent experience with:

  • Reduced average handle time (AHT)

  • Increased savings on staffing needed to achieve KPI’s

  • Improved speed to proficiency

  • Increased representative productivity and confidence

  • Improved CSAT and Consumer Experience

  • Improved first call resolution rates

  • Far less turnover from burnout/frustration

Empower your reps to get answers fast and simple with the power of ServiceSense. ServiceSense is a one-of-a-kind tool designed specifically for service teams like yours. We understand your pain points as a call center, and also understand the needs of your customers. Maximize this calm before the storm by getting the right tools in place!

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