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The Perfect Customer Service Duo: Humans AND Technology

We live in a world today where we straddle the line between tech and people. And while many people are trying to lean one direction or the other, at Sensentia, we’ve realized the two are inseparable! We call this the one-two punch in customer service: you need tech for the humans, and the humans work better with the tech!

Let’s Talk Tech

Technology is a must these days. We all know we need it, but finding the right solution can feel daunting. That’s why you need to be clear on what you need your technology to do for you and understand potential ways tech can improve your customer service teams. Solutions, such as our ServiceSense tool, can help improve customer service metrics all around by being a tool to make your reps work smarter, not harder. 

ServiceSense improves handling times and accuracy in answering client questions, decreases frustration, and helps your customer service reps have positive experiences (and metrics!). Your call center simply needs a tool that allows your reps to get the answers they need to members questions faster and with accuracy. In fact, ServiceSense provides information to the level of legal liability, making it a tool that not only improves your call metrics, but increases confidence in your reps as well! 

Sounds great, right? The trick though is that you need that human element too…

The Human Touch

Your customer service will never be fully automated. Let’s just get that out there because it really is an important distinction. While you can automate processes around customer service, the human element is incredibly important. Human connection and authentic interaction with a real human brings an authenticity that bots and automation can never replicate. Just think about your own experiences and how much you appreciate talking to real, breathing humans in customer service situations compared to a chatbot or an automated phone series. We value connection with real people. 

But what if you could make the human interaction work even better for you? What if you could decrease handling times and improve customer service experiences, while building trust and rapport too? Technology certainly has its place, and if that place makes your real live humans function more efficiently, effectively, happily, AND accurately, it’s a win-win all around. 

In today’s world, the best customer service teams are operating with the right tools. As a result, they are seeing improved metrics all around within their teams, making them more efficient overall and streamlining budgets. Not only that, it makes for a more enjoyable experience all around from the customer service reps to the members themselves. 

So, it’s time to claim your title as the champion of your customer service market and you can do it with the help of ServiceSense. 

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