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AEP Readiness for Sales Teams

Enrollment is around the corner! We all have been working toward this season all year. We know the enrollment periods are short, and the volume of prospective members is large. That means our staffing loads are also large, which translates into other training and educating issues to say the least. 

How can you be as prepared as you can for AEP readiness and make sure everything is in place to optimize your peak sales season? 

The answer lies in working more efficiently and the best way to do that today is with the help of a trusted and reliable AI tool like SalesSense from Sensentia. 

Increased Speed: Your sales reps have reliable information in seconds instead of digging for minutes through multiple PDFs, SBs, or EOCs. Faster answers and information means the sales conversations are full of confidence that increase an agent's professional perception. 

Reduce Cognitive Load: Reps don’t need to memorize information or try to think through where to get the answers they need for questions that arise. The mental load is less because the software is carrying the mental load to figure things out. Reducing the cognitive load related to plans and research simply improves your sales teams’ bandwidth to work more leads with higher quality of care. 

Increased Relationships: Now the sales call can truly be a sales call - one where the sales rep is focused on what the customer truly needs. There’s no need to waste time sifting through tons of documents; instead you can be focused on leaning into sales psychology and treating your customers like true humans. It’s time to get back to being human! 

Sensentia's AI-fueled Benefit Engine provides the ultimate solution to allow agents to compare plans quickly and easily. It allows you to ask any plan, benefit, procedure, or cost question in natural language. Gone are the days where you have to know the medical terms for every single procedure. 

What’s really getting attention from our customers is the level of accuracy we deliver. The responses are instantaneous with legal liability level accuracy and auditability, always grounded in member contracts and the speed to proficiency with new agents taking a few hours, not days allowing you to scale quickly and increase sales. 

AI for Sales Teams is a hot topic right now. But, any solution you are considering needs to have the substance to back up their claims. Our tools are producing responses that hold up to legal liability, which allows sales teams to provide information easily and with rooted confidence!

Or solutions allow as much as 3x increase in conversion rates, and by removing the cognitive load and increasing efficiency and productivity, your teams will be able to provide superior service at reduced costs and ultimately work more leads. 

Let us show you how! Book a demo today

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