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Make or Miss Your Sales Numbers?

At certain points in the year, people start pointing fingers, especially when sales numbers aren’t hitting where you’d hoped. For any healthcare sales team, you are always looking to elevate your sales game and avoid the finger-pointing that ensues when numbers are behind. If your sales numbers are making you lose sleep at night, or you know your team is capable of so much more, pay attention!

We understand where you're at. We know the pressure you're under to deliver sales with excellence in service, reduce complaints, and limit budgets. It always seems like people are asking for more, but giving less resources. So, how do you get a competitive edge to meet your sales goals, yet also provide great sales experiences both for reps and for customers?

Here’s one surefire way to increase your sales numbers, conversion rates, and make every marketing dollar count, while impressing leadership: SalesSense from Sensentia. You can do it with this proven tool leveraging AI to provide your teams the support they need throughout each sale. You can sell more, with a smarter, more efficient and proficient sales team at reduced cost. It's a win-win.

SalesSense is an AI-powered system by sales agents, for sales agents. It provides a seamless experience to compare plans/benefits, and source information in one simple, fast, and efficient spot, that can make agents look like a sales rockstar. There is no system like it on the market today, and the answers it provides are accurate to the point of legal liability, and tied to member contracts.

Our sales solutions support Medicare, Marketplace, and Commercial insurance products and our customers are Carriers, Agency/FMO's, and Third Party Administrators all seeking competitive advantage, increased performance, and reduced costs. This is not just for contact centers, it's for all sales channels.

SalesSense Features:

  • Simple interface to source information

  • Simple interface to source information

  • Significantly improved conversion rates

  • Improved speed to proficiency

  • Reduced average handle time (AHT) by 30% or more

  • Faster research times and ultimately faster calls!

  • Consistency & accuracy in sales and service quoting with far less escalations

  • Reduced CTM's and Grievances

  • much more

The best way to get ahead is to get started, so wherever you are in your sales goals, now is the best time to be thinking about how you’re going to meet, and exceed, your goals.

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