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2 min read

The High-Achieving Sales Team Secret

Have you ever been around a high achiever and walked away feeling like you’ll never measure up? Wondered how they get it all done in a day? We see them portrayed in fictional circumstances like tv shows and movies and we almost laugh at the way they can somehow do it all. 

From Leslie Knope on Parks & Rec to OCD Monica Geller on Friends we all see these overachievers and think their seeming super-human abilities are impossible for mere mortals. 

We know your sales desk is a far cry from the high-achieving, public servants’ office in Parks and Rec in the fictional town of Pawnee, Indiana. BUT, we know that your sales teams can all perform with the success and fervor of Leslie Knope, and the swagger of Tom Haverford. 

All sit-com analogies aside, we know your sales teams have the ability to ALL be high-performers and deliver amazing results. We know it because we’ve seen the results when sales teams leverage the right tools. 

It’s all possible with the help of Sensentia’s SaleSense! 

Sensentia sales solutions have been tried, tested, and proven to deliver. These aren’t just marketing claims, but tested client examples where sales teams’ metrics improved dramatically. 

  • Increased overall volume of sales and lead conversion rates increased by 2x-3x

  • Increased savings in handle times by up to 30%

  • Improve rep credibility by providing instant answers to any plan, benefit, coverage, or cost question with legal liability level accuracy

  • Remove the cognitive load from reps, so new and tenured reps can sell proficiently at a higher rate than ever

  • Reduce the volume of CTMs by placing enrollees into the best-match plan

  • Decreased training times due to simple, measurable, and repeatable processes

For sales teams that are looking to get ahead this sales season, the best way to improve is with the right tools. If you'd like to generate more sales at reduced costs, book a demo today to see the solutions in action. SalesSense allows your team to work smarter, not harder - and make those fictional overachievers on sitcoms and movies look like slackers compared to the results your own team can achieve! 

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