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Turn Lackluster Enrollments Into Huge Opportunities

Time for a big deep breath. You survived AEP! 

There are two main feelings sales teams have right now. Either they are thrilled and celebrating their success from the past few months, or they are scrambling because they missed the mark and now are in the hot seat from the boss! 

Turning Failure to Future Growth

If this year’s enrollments were lackluster, now is the perfect time to maximize your efforts to make next year a huge success. 

Start Now

There’s a temptation to relax for a little bit and take the foot off the gas pedal. We get that! It can feel good to take a breath. However, now is actually a great time to maximize your lackluster season because it’s all fresh. Make sure you debrief from the sales season so you can document everything before you forget. Yes, KPIs and metrics are going to be part of the conversation, but get intel from your team so that you have the intangible information around how the sales season went. 

Go to the Data

What is the data telling you? Look at your KPIs and your metrics to see where you were falling off. When were you falling off? Look at trends and timing to see what you can learn from the data that can help you plan for next year. 

Lean Into Tech

The good news is that this is the PERFECT time to think about how to make your 2025 sales a success. You have plenty of time to see demos, get decision-makers on board, and implement a new technology to help your sales teams scale up easily. And while you’re researching options, we’d be remiss not to mention what our solution can offer. 

SalesSense has proven success for carriers: 

  • Increased overall volume of sales and lead conversion rates increased by 2x-3x

  • Increased savings in handle times by up to 30%

  • Improve rep credibility by providing instant answers to any plan, benefit, coverage, or cost question with legal liability level accuracy

  • Remove the cognitive load from reps, so new and tenured reps can sell proficiently at a higher rate than ever

  • Reduce the volume of CTMs by placing enrollees into the best-match plan

  • Decreased training times due to simple, measurable, and repeatable processes

If your enrollments fell short of the goal this year, and you’re looking for practical ways to fix it for the following year, book a demo to see how SalesSense by Sensentia can help you put real strategy into your sales process!

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